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Oracle Shutdown: A Smooth Transition for Advertisers

In light of the recent news that Oracle is shutting down its advertising business, Lotame is here to help ensure advertisers who use Oracle data products do not experience any disruption to their media planning and campaign delivery. 

As an 18-year-young independent adtech business with deep data and tech expertise, we are uniquely positioned to help make the transition as smooth as possible. Recognizing the significance of reliable and consistent operations, we stand ready to assist.

We’ve compiled a few simple steps to make the transition easier:

1. Identify Your Current Oracle Audiences

Simply send a list of your current or past Oracle audiences to USCANDataRFP@lotame.com.

2. Lotame Will Recommend Audiences That Align

We’ll provide a list of Lotame audience segments that align with those sunsetted by Oracle.

3. Custom Audience Creation

If we cannot find a Lotame audience segment that aligns with a particular Oracle audience, we can create custom audiences within 24-48 hours.

4. Use Lotame’s Data-Driven Contextual Audiences

In addition to our audience data, Lotame also offers data-driven contextual audiences via private marketplaces (PMP). To request a Deal ID for our PMP, you can use the same email address as above: USCANDataRFP@lotame.com

The shutdown of Oracle’s advertising business is a major change, but it does not have to disrupt your marketing campaigns. By following these steps, you can make the transition as smooth as possible. 

We look forward to collaborating with you!