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International Women’s Day 2021: 5 Questions with Lotame Women in Tech

Every day we show our appreciation for Lotamites’ hard work, dedication, and supreme talent for problem-solving. This International Women’s Day, we’re thrilled to introduce you to a few of the amazing women working at Lotame. 

Alison Harding, VP Data Solutions EMEA, Lotame

  • How did you get started?

Alison Harding, Lotame

I started selling newspaper classifieds 20 years ago! I stayed in news for 12 years, heading up 17 regional titles with responsibility for a team of 50+ people. After I moved into digital advertising, I ran an ad network, worked in mobile advertising, and then landed at Lotame 6 years ago. Really excited about the future for data.

  • What’s your greatest achievement?

Having a beautiful son when I thought it wasn’t possible.

  • What did you want to be growing up? 

An actress and then I wanted to work in advertising

  • How have you balanced working from home full time during COVID?

I’ve tried to keep to a routine and kept my diary full of meetings. I’ve made sure I have regular contact with key team members and that I give myself regular breaks away from the screen.

  • You can take one album, movie or book to a desert island- what would it be? 

How to Survive on a Desert Island by Jim Pipe. 

Amy Yeung, General Counsel and Chief Privacy Officer, Lotame

  • How did you get started? 

Amy Yeung, Lotame

After graduating from Duke, I clerked in the Delaware Court of Chancery (“Supreme Court” of corporate law), and then worked at a global law firm. I switched gears to join a publisher, expanding their footprint to become global and technology-focused, setting up a worldwide B2C SaaS platform from scratch. Next, I became general counsel of a unicorn tech company in New York, helping them scale after their billion-dollar valuation; was asked to lead a post-merger of two public companies in a corporate turnaround, and am now at Lotame.

  • What is your greatest achievement?

Other than being a mother and wife . . . I created a program when I was in law school called ESQ, which focused on providing students with meaningful insights on business and corporate law, which was something that law schools generally did not do at that time. Over half of the law school attended and it has become the genesis for several other programs and initiatives. It’s in its 19th year if you can believe.

  • What did you want to be growing up? 

A pediatrician. I am a STEM girl at heart and love physics. Just not organic chemistry.

  • How have you balanced working from home full time during COVID? 

Balance is what you do at a given time to meet the needs of that time. I just try my best and give myself, and others, grace. 

  • You can take one album, movie or book to a desert island- what would it be?

Not volleyball? Does bringing a movie or album mean that I also have electricity and a laptop or TV and an OTT device?

Zuzana Urbanova, Head of Data Solutions, APAC, Lotame

  • How did you get your start? 

Zuzana Urbanova, Lotame

I studied Media & Advertising in London and landed my first job at one of the best media agencies in London at the time – Mindshare. I expanded my digital knowledge at Yahoo UK and then hopped across the world to GroupM Australia where I was asked to help in setting up their Agency trading desk – Xaxis. I spent three years at Snap Inc. driving their APAC adoption, and then returned to my tech and data roots at Lotame.

  • What is your greatest achievement?

Introducing Programmatic to Australia’s biggest agency group and helping them to lead in tech/data innovations.

  •  What did you want to be growing up? 

An archaeologist

  • How have you balanced working from home full time during COVID?

I’ve found being disciplined and having a daily work routine worked well when covering my region. To keep my mind in a good spirit, I incorporate daily exercise into my regime!

  • You can take one album, movie or book to a desert island- what would it be?

 If the island is Ibiza, it will be a compilation album of the music I love listening to there.

Alina Dasgupta, Sr. Data Strategy Account Manager, Lotame

  • How did you get started?

Alina Dasgupta, Lotame

I studied Media Studies & Political Science with the hopes of landing something media and digitally related after graduating which I did. My first position was at a medical publishing company where I handled social media and online placements. After a year, I dove into digital marketing and held roles in digital advertising, data, SaaS/PaaS, tech, and back to data. The data industry always intrigued me so I knew when I had the opportunity to re-enter that specific industry I had to take it and I found my way to Lotame. Since then I have been using my vast experience across various digital industries to pour into my work here.

  • What is your greatest achievement?

Being able to have a whole career prior to my corporate life in the arts (dance, in particular) with notable successes (e.g., New York Knicks dancer, VMA performances), mold my love for dance and the arts by switching to writing, becoming a published poet, and somehow through all these transformations, have had the opportunity to prioritize the important things like family, friends, food, and mental health.

  • What did you want to be growing up?

A lawyer who ran a dance studio. As an 8-year-old, I’m unsure which I thought would be full-time.

  • How have you balanced working from home full time during covid? 

I’ve self-implemented a flex work schedule to avoid burnout. On certain days, I will take a very late midday break––cooking, cleaning, working out, unwinding for a bit––then log back in during the quieter evening hours. That’s why my team and clients may see emails from me anywhere between 8-11pm. I also live by my Google Calendar so I will block my schedule for different types of tasks and projects to keep things organized and moving along.

  • You can take one album, movie or book to a desert island- what would it be? 

This is hard! Breaking the rules and I’m naming all three.

  • Album: Janet Jackson’s Velvet Rope
  • Movie: Ocean’s Trilogy 
  • Book: The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha

Unless I was stuck in Ibiza with Zuzana then none of the above needed.

Thank you to Alison, Amy, Zuzana, and Alina for sharing your journey and experience in the digital advertising industry! 

At Lotame, we pride ourselves on creating a highly collaborative, open, and inclusive working environment. As a leader in the digital advertising industry and recently listed by Business Insider as one of the 18 hottest Ad Tech companies, are you ready for your next step in your career? Check out our job listings